15 Best things to do in Florence

Florence is a beautiful city in Tuscany, Italy that is steeped in history, art, and culture. Here are 15 of the best things to do in Florence:

Florence, Italy

Visit the Duomo - Florence's cathedral, with its iconic red-tiled dome, is one of the city's most recognizable landmarks.

Admire Michelangelo's David - This iconic statue is located at the Accademia Gallery and is a must-see for any art lover.

Explore the Uffizi Gallery - One of the world's most famous art museums, the Uffizi is home to an incredible collection of Renaissance art.

Take a stroll across the Ponte Vecchio - This historic bridge is home to a number of shops selling jewelry and other luxury goods.

See the Pitti Palace - Once the residence of Florence's ruling family, the Pitti Palace now houses several museums.

Climb the Campanile - The bell tower of the Duomo offers stunning views over the city.

Visit the Basilica di Santa Croce - This Franciscan church is the final resting place of many famous Italians, including Michelangelo and Galileo.

Wander through the Boboli Gardens - Located behind the Pitti Palace, these gardens are a tranquil oasis in the heart of the city.

See the Palazzo Vecchio - This impressive building has served as Florence's city hall for centuries and now houses a museum.

Take a cooking class - Learn to cook authentic Italian cuisine with a local chef.

Visit the San Lorenzo Market - This bustling market is a great place to find fresh produce, handmade souvenirs, and more.

Walk through the Oltrarno - This neighborhood on the other side of the Arno River is home to artisan workshops and charming streets.

See the Brancacci Chapel - This small chapel is home to some of the finest Renaissance frescoes in Florence.

Take a day trip to the Chianti wine region - Just a short drive from Florence, the Chianti region is known for its beautiful countryside and world-renowned wines.

Enjoy a gelato - No trip to Italy is complete without indulging in some delicious gelato. Florence has plenty of gelaterias to choose from!

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